Helping Citizen Activists Through the Political Process

Hecate knows how easy it is for ordinary citizens and experienced community leaders to be intimidated by imposing capital city buildings, bustling bureaucrats and puffed up politicians. Hecate is ready to help.

Submit a question for Hecate’s Blog to Hecate@realclout.org, and, if she thinks your question is particularly interesting and the answer might be helpful to a wide audience, she will post them here.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Right Now Somebody is Thinking of Something Worse!


I think the worst part of my government relations job is dealing with an individual bureaucrat on a power trip. And I am referring to a lady with incredible power over all of us providers because she is the one who has final approval over awarding contracts!! Some of my "colleagues" have tried everything to get on her good side, turning field inspections into fancy banquets with board members, asking her to speak at out of state conferences -- everything short of out-right cash bribe. To no avail. She's still as tight as a drum, and continues to ask us to amend and re-amend our contracts. What can we do to get her to help us with all of the problems we have trying to run a program and get people paid on time!!!

Hecate's Answer

Right now somebody is thinking of something worse! Namely Joe DeNucci your State Auditor. Imagine what headlines he could make with your "colleagues" clumsy attempts to influence a public official. Anyway, the power your bureaucratic friend has is really quite limited. She can can only operate in three areas. 1. What she must do. 2. What she must not do,lest she exceed her authority. 3. What she may do at her discretion. It sounds to me like your REAL professional colleague is this competent bureaucrat who simply ignores silly attempts to curry her favor instead of calling Joe. Hecate's advice is to write your contract correctly the first time, and the second time until you get it right!!