Helping Citizen Activists Through the Political Process

Hecate knows how easy it is for ordinary citizens and experienced community leaders to be intimidated by imposing capital city buildings, bustling bureaucrats and puffed up politicians. Hecate is ready to help.

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Saturday, August 20, 2005

And then there's the oranges. ......


Lots of things going on in my state legislature, even in August, with auto insurace reform, health reform, and a jobs program on the schedule for the fall. Now the Speaker and the Senate President -- two nice Italian boys from the North End-- have gone on a toot to Israel of all places. In the middle of the removals in the Gaza Strip of all times. I don't understand what these junkets accomplish.

Hecate's Answer

Oh let them have a little fun-- they've been working hard, and it's really no big deal. First of all two nice Italian boys from the North End are going to see and maybe even experience what thousands of years of REAL deep seated conflict produces. It might make their nice little boy turf fights look fixable. And as you may have experienced yourself, there is nothing like getting away to a new enviornment with professional colleagues to reflect on who you are and where you're going. Sometimes you can even figure out how to get there!

And then there's the oranges and the figs and the olives.........almost as good as you can get in Greece.