Our organization stepped up to the plate and offered a substantive policy solution to one of the most difficult and complicated public policy problems of our day, namely health care.
We were brave enough to speak truth to power, namely businesses who do not provide affordable health insurance to their employees. Our bill mandated them to contribute to the cost of the health care of their own employees who were forced into the taxpayer supported free care system. They call it a business tax, we call it paying their fair share.
We were smart enough to figure out a way to direct those fair share taxes to a range of health care programs for almost all of the uninsured in our state.
We were lucky enough to find a champion in the new Speaker of the House who, Lord knows needed way to demonstrate his policy prowess, and now everybody is coming out of the woodwork to pick pick pick at every single little thing.
Now the Speaker is being forced to meet with every single special interest group to fix their little problem instead of getting this comprehensive bill through. Can't we fix all these little problems later?
Hecate says;
"Brains will only get you so far, and luck will always run out." That's a line spoken by Harvey Kietel playing the Police Officer chasing Thelma and Louise, who five minutes later drive off a cliff rather than get caught.
Your brains have gotten you pretty far, and now you need to take advantage of what luck has brought you and trust the Speaker's instinct to try and fix what he can fix now. He has no interest in driving off a cliff, and I hope you don't either.
Helping Citizen Activists Through the Political Process
Hecate knows how easy it is for ordinary citizens and experienced community leaders to be intimidated by imposing capital city buildings, bustling bureaucrats and puffed up politicians. Hecate is ready to help.
Submit a question for Hecate’s Blog to Hecate@realclout.org, and, if she thinks your question is particularly interesting and the answer might be helpful to a wide audience, she will post them here.
Helping Citizen Activists Through the Political Process
Hecate knows how easy it is for ordinary citizens and experienced community leaders to be intimidated by imposing capital city buildings, bustling bureaucrats and puffed up politicians. Hecate is ready to help.
Submit a question for Hecate’s Blog to Hecate@realclout.org, and, if she thinks your question is particularly interesting and the answer might be helpful to a wide audience, she will post them here.