Helping Citizen Activists Through the Political Process

Hecate knows how easy it is for ordinary citizens and experienced community leaders to be intimidated by imposing capital city buildings, bustling bureaucrats and puffed up politicians. Hecate is ready to help.

Submit a question for Hecate’s Blog to Hecate@realclout.org, and, if she thinks your question is particularly interesting and the answer might be helpful to a wide audience, she will post them here.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

What do we have to do to get our bill to an up or down vote before the budget?

Dear Hecate:

I was really irritated to hear that the Speaker was going to have a an "up or down" vote on the Governor's Casino bill before the House began it's debate on the budget. As I understand it that means the bill will have it's hearing at the Joint Committee on Economic Development & Technical Development, get reported out favorably to House Ways and Means Committe and then get reported out of Ways and Means favorably before it can go to the House Floor for a vote. All in a few weeks.

Now our bill, which by the way, will provide living wages for many more than 30,000 people, has been around for a long time, had it's hearing before the joint committee and was reported favorably to House Ways and Means a month ago. We've had many meetings with the appropriate staff and Members of Ways and Means to brief them on the facts and we have a majority of Reps and Senators committed to vote for us.
I know it's not first come first serve, but please explain.


Dear Irritated,

Looks like you're doing your homework, and it is early in a two year session. As for the Governor cutting ahead, there is not much to explain, other than Governors often are granted early consideration as a courtesy.