Helping Citizen Activists Through the Political Process

Hecate knows how easy it is for ordinary citizens and experienced community leaders to be intimidated by imposing capital city buildings, bustling bureaucrats and puffed up politicians. Hecate is ready to help.

Submit a question for Hecate’s Blog to Hecate@realclout.org, and, if she thinks your question is particularly interesting and the answer might be helpful to a wide audience, she will post them here.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Two Guys Promoting in the Mass Budget Transparency Project

Dear Hecate:

I read an op-ed in the Boston Globe about something called the Budget Transparency Project that was written by Noah Berger from the Mass Budget and Policy Center, a former policy director for a Democratic Senate President and Steve Crosby from the UMASS McCormack Institute, a former Secretary of Administration and Finance for a Republican Governor. Frankly I was surprised to see these two experts of hidden agendas and mixed messages agreeing that there ought to be a transparent policy making process. What gives?

Hecate says:

It's bigger than those two -- the Massachusetts Budget Transparency Project also includes two very savvy tough women. The first is Katherine Craven, former Policy Director of the House under Tom Finneran and the second is Katherine Gibson former VP at the Federal Reserve Bank. Two other experienced and highly regarded guys on the project are John McGinn former Budget Director of Senate Ways and Means and Mike Widmer President of the Mass Taxpayers Foundation.

Trust me, all six of these folks have had the occassion to be on opposite sides of a policy debate many times. I bet if we did a little research we could find at least one issue where they were all facing each other on different sides of a hexigon debate.

Noah will be briefing participants at the Public Policy Institute's Insider Budget Briefing on October 19th if you want to find out more.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Been Right Here All Along

Dear Hecate

Where have you been? Since you last posted we've actually won our earmark in the budget, participated in the health reform campaign and won a significant restoration of MassHealth programs. Now we're in the middle of a campaign to monitor the implementation of the new health reform law. It's all moving so fast!!

Too Tired to Write Any More

Hecate says:

What a hot summer it has been up there!!! And you didn't even mention the fact that an election season has turned up the heat a little more.

Hecate can only imagine that you folks are all doing so well that nobody needs any advice from her. Maybe she should put out a little notice like Lucy in Peanuts -- Advice 5 cents.

Tell me what your plans are for keeping your little earmark in the FY 08 budget. New Governor for sure, and I hear you might even have a new Senate President.Don't get sloppy now. You're looking a a whole new political dynamic on Beacon Hill!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

How to Influence the Conference Committee

Dear Hecate

When do the Members of the Conference Committee begin to meet? Are the meetings open to the public? What's the best way for us to protect our earmark in the House Budget?

Worried in Worcester

Dear Worried

This coming week the Staffs of both Ways and Means Committees will sit together and begin to review and confirm the differences between the House and Senate budget.........line item by line item.

The final list will be distributed to the Leadership and Members of the Conference Committee in each branch.

Senate Leadership will meet with the Senate Members to begin to identify Senate priorities and the House Leadership will meet with the House Members to being to identify House priorities. (For example we know that there are a number of outside sections in the Senate Budget that set new policy, and we know that the House has already stated that they don't like to insert new policy intiatives in the Budget. Another example is the big difference between the House and Senate in the amount and distribution of the Chapter 70 funds.)

After each branch has established their priorities, Conference Committee Members will begin to meet jointly in private to offer and negotiate compromises on some individual line items. Staff from each Ways and Means committee are always present to offer technical assistance. Sometimes the negotiations around uncontroversial items are quick -- let's just split it down the middle. Sometimes a controversial issue can take weeks of back and forth.

For this purpose controversial means that one or both branches have identified that the line item as a priority, and are not going to give until and unless their Leadership tells them they can.

So your job is to make your line item a priority by first flooding the House Leadership and each member of the House Conference Committee will all the reasons why they should fight to make sure the House version of the line item is in the final Conference Report. Ask each House consponsor and supporter of your earmark to communicate in writing to the Leadership and to each of the Conferees.

Your second job is to flood the Senate Leadership and each member of the Senate Conference Committee with all the reasons why they should accept the House version. (At all costs avoid the technically correct phrase of asking the Senate to "yield" to the House on this line item. Assume they were misinformed or mistaken, or maybe your earmark slipped through the cracks.)Get any Senate supporters to communicate in writing to the Leadership and each of the Conferees.

While the Conferees and the staff do their best to keep everything secret until they have finished, your House and Senate supporters might be able to get some hints before the conference concludes in the final public meeting.

Get to work.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

What will the Senate Democrats actually DO in the Tuesday Caucus?

Dear Hecate:

My Senator told me that she would be presenting our amendment in a private Democratic Caucus on Tuesday the 23rd and it was there that she would get a sense of whether or not our amendment had the support of the Leadership and enough of the rank and file to succeed during the budget debate that starts the next day. What is the purpose of these private caucuses? Do the Republicans have a caucus too? Is there something we can do to influence these caucuses? What do they do in there anyway?

No Stone Unturned Nellie:

Yes, the Republican's will no doubt have a caucus before the budget debate begins, and the agenda and the purpose for the Democrats and the Republicans will be more or less the same: to engage the Senators in an informed global discussion of all the public structures that support everything from education, transportation, clean air and water, public safty, the courts, social services, parks and recreation and the list goes on. Important to know: these sessions are considered private and off the record

In both caucuses the Democratic Leadership and the Republican Leadership will first review the Senate Ways and Means budget recommendations including the estimated revenues and the amounts allocated to each of the departments and agencies. After that briefing, Members do engage in a "spirited discussion" questioning the revenue assumptions and allocation decisions. Savvy Senators will wait for the right time in these discussions to brief their colleagues on some of their proposed amendments, both to identify possible supporters and to get a preliminary opinion from their Leadership.

Needless to say, Senate Leaderhip has a way of telling both Democratic Members and the Republican Members which amendments have their support and which don't.

Senators who are confident their amendment has the support of Leadership will immiediately begin detailed discussions with the President's staff and Sentate Ways and Means Staff to review and finalize the text and the dollar amount. Senators who are suspcious that their amendment will not be supported by the Leadership do the same thing AND figure out some face saving activities for the advocates.

You can help your Senate champion by talking to as many Senators as you can before the Tuesday Caucus. Ask each of them to speak up during caucus in support of your amendment. Wouldn't hurt to hang around outside the Senate President's office to pick up some immediate feedback either.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Budget Making in the Senate.............

Dear Hecate:

Is it true that that the Senate puts it's own budget recommendations together with little or no attention to either the Governor's Budget or the final House budget?

Hecate says:

First of all, the Senate leadership does pay a great deal of attention to the Governor's budget because the budget document serves as the Administration's workplan for funding and implementing all of our government's public structures.

Two small examples that have been in the news lately. If the Administration is truly committed to providing quality training programs for foster parents, there will be a line item in the Governor's budget that provides enough money for the Department of Social Services to design and implement such a program. If the Administration is truly committed to repairing all the ancient dams and levees to prevent the flooding of homes and farm land, there will be a funded line item in the Governor's budget to do that.

The Senate's job is to analyze the Governor's budget or workplan and to propose some alternative ways to allocate resources -- line item by line item.

Second of all the Senate pays a great deal off attention to the initial House Budget and especially to the amendment process, because the House has already gone through a line item by line item process of proposing alternative ways to allocate resources. One example that has been in the news lately is the good work done by local aid advocates who succeeded in adding over 70 million dollars to the Chapter 70 line item. What was the response from the Senate? A very early announcement during the same week that the Senate was planning to include even MORE money to Chapter 70.

So the Senate will go through a budget debate next week, having already announced most of their major priorities and alternative ideas for how our public structures from the Department of Social Services to the Department of Bridges ought to be funded. There will be a list of line items that are higher than the Governor's Budget and the House Budget, and another list of line items that are lower. No doubt the Senate debate will result in some corrections and some earmarks, but we expect no major new bold million dollar initiatives. Of course we could be wrong. Again.

Friday, April 28, 2006

The House Budget Process Doesn't Stink. The Best Organized Campaign Wins!!!

Dear Hecate,

I hate to disagree with you but the only stink you might smell up there from the House Budget Process is from the fires being set by disappointed "ahdvocates" as Tommy Finneran used to call them, who think all they've got to do is drop off some fact sheets about investing in the future and tell a few sob stories and the legislature is going to roll over. You should have seen the State House on Wed. It was filled to the brim with delegations from school committees from all over the state, and with a parent's group called Stand for Children. Real local elected officials. Real parents and real kids. And guess what. They were able to provide each Rep with the HERO Opportunity of all time, prompting them to sit right down and write themselves an $82 million increase in school aid.

Hard Work Harry

Hecate says

Thank you Harry. You've got a point there. By the way, Humble Pie doesn't taste so bad with onions and peppers.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The House Budget Process Really Stinks

Dear Hecate:

So I got up there early this morning before the Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Disability Caucus began at 10:00. I had my list of co-sponsors, and I even talked to some of them before they went into the caucus. Apparently they got handed the so-called consolidated amendments and the Chairman of Ways and Means "sort of" read off the key points-- which line items were increased, which were "earmarked" and told them the bottom line had only been increased by $750,000. My Rep at least had taken good notes, so she was able to tell me that our amendment had failed. They didn't get any paper, there was no discussion at all. No debate, no negotiation, no vote. Some "reform process" where all the Reps have access to the making of a consolidated amendment this is. This really stinks!!

Hecate says:

To High Heaven. I can smell it up here. If enough Reps get sick of the smell, get fed up with being disrespected and disregarded, they might get up the guts and gumption to try to reform it back again to a line item by line item debate.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are -- you're not.


Thank you for the updates and advice last week. We are sooooooooooooo organized for the House budget debate. We got at least 10 calls into every single Rep over school break. We've organized rotating teams of 3 people up at the statehouse for all of this week. Our contracted lobbyist is going to help us keep track of the 90 co-sponsors of our amendment and the schedule of caucuses. We have 2 folks back at the office keeping up our network informed via email and phone. We think we've covered all the bases and are feeling very powerful. Thanks so much.

Hecate says:

Can I offer you a little piece of humble pie? As Margaret Thatcher, the great lady Prime Minister of England told me, "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you're not."

It does sound like you have covered all the bases, done all your homework, left no stone unturned, and I can't think of any more metaphors for doing all you can do in the House except watch and wait. And keep lists of everyone in the House who follows through with you.

However there is a lot you can do in the Senate during the long waits during the week of the House debate. Get your teams over to your Senate supporters, let them know all you have done and how hard you have worked. The minute you win or lose (sorry - it might happen you know) your amendment, get over to the Senate and debrief them on the particulars. Who helped you, who hurt you, who didn't follow through, who did.

Remember that first rule of Lobbying? " Elected and appointed officials make different decisions when watched by the affected constituents."

If you win your amendment in the House, it will be easier for the Senate to include it. If you lose your amendment in the House, after all your hard work, you can pitch it as a Hero Opportunity for the Senate.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Rep is prioritizing Local Aid over my earmarking.

Dear Hecate:

I called my Rep like you told me to and asked her to communicate directly with the Speaker and the Chair of Ways and Means to express her personal committment on our amendment to earmark some substance abuse dollars to our community programs. She told me that she, along with other Reps -- maybe as many as 40 or so -- were meeting with the Speaker and Ways and Means tomorrow (Thursday) about the local aid, and until she got a commitment on adding substantial dollars to local aid she didn't want to bring up any other issues. I told her I was really disappointed. Any ideas for how I can get her to refocus her priorities.


Hecate says :

I wouldn't be surprised if there were more than 40 Reps in that meeting because the amount and distribution of Local Aid affects each and every city, town and regional school district in Massachusetts AND the final number will be announced at every town meeting, every city council and in all the local media markets. There is no other more important measure of a Reps performance that how he or she "delivers" for the district. Everything else they work for, earmarking for your local program, jumpstarting a new early education initiative, comes in second.

So wait a few days -- maybe over the weekend to ask your Rep again.

Hecate suspects that House Leadership will announce they have found a way to increase the dollars and fiddle with the formulas in ways that will make most Members happy enough to immediatly instruct their staffs to do a press release announcing that she/he had succeeded in using her/his considerable clout to protect the district from disasterous cut in local aid.

And then they'll have some time and political capital left to attend to other local matters-- like yours.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Can't Complain if You Don't Participate


Thanks very much for the relatively jargon -free Insider Budget Briefing Alert. I’m using it to explain to my 7th graders how the guys up at the State House in Boston decide things. Frankly, I’m horrified that the real decisions are made in literally a back room, and the public is not able to even watch and listen. When did this all start? When I interned at the State Senate 12 years ago, it took three weeks sometimes to get the budget through the House, while the Senate took a full week of debate – line item by line item.

Disgusted in Dorchester

Hecate says:

About 5 years ago the House developed these rules hoping to create a more inclusive and transparent process to the Members themselves. The Senate used to call in "bundling" in your day. (Remember the two piles named ought to pass or ought not to pass on the last night of the Senate Debate?)

Those three week debates in the House, Monday through Friday from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm, finishing up with an all night session on the last Friday before a long weekend, were tests of endurance and stamina and little more.

The leadership still convened caucuses (caucii?) in the Speaker's office, or the Majority Leader's office with a few selected Members trying to achieve some kind of consensus about how to handle major controversial issues like local aid and taxes, while all the rank and file Members debated proposed amendments to individual line items on the Floor. The Republicans were always ready to debate endlessly the smallest increase in a line item and the smallest cut.

These new rules do open the caucuses up to all the members and do provide some transparency on leadership decisions, and do force individual Members to participate in the caucus system or stop complaining about closed door leadership decisions.

Friday, April 14, 2006

How to Make the Budget Better

Dear Hecate :

We just got our budget amendment submitted to the House Ways and Means budget in Massachusetts. And, although we called around to all 40 of the cosigners of our original bill, only 32 signed on. Some of the Chairs told us that they never sign on as co-sponsors, and others just never responded. How do we get all of our sponsors to sign on to the amendment. I was told by the clerks office that they may be able to call in during vacation week to get their names on as supporters. Does it make sense for us to try? Will it make a difference?

Frustrated in Framingham

Hecate says.

While individual legislators may still call into the House clerk’s office to get their name added to any amendment it is important for advocates to understand that their energies should be primarily directed at getting key opinion leaders to deliver a personal note of support to the Speaker or the Chair of W&M on their amendment. (Especially chairs who said they could not/would not add their names to any amendments other than those that directly affected their district and or a “technical amendment” that addressed a substantive committee issue.)

Starting today, smart and savvy advocates are focusing on finding ways to get their key, most influential inside and outside advocates to deliver personal one-on-one messages to the Speaker and the Chair of Ways and Means that says……I/we really care about this specific amendment and this language/level of appropriation will satisfy me/us”.

Starting on Thursday the 13th staff from House Ways and Means began sorting out all amendments into subsets that generally fall within the departments and agencies of the budget itself , for instance the judiciary, the executive and all the individual departments, agencies, commissions within each department

Then the staff will sort out all the amendments by line item producing a document for House Leadership and the Chair of HW&M Committee that lists, by line item, all the amendments to every department and agency. The list of sponsors and cosponsors for each amendment are available by amendment for sure, and in the past, staff have complied a cross list of legislators listing all the amendments they sponsored and cosponsored.

At some point during the “vacation” week (for everybody but H W&M Staff) there will be a meeting of key House Leaders including the Chair and some members of W&M, and they will come to some conclusions about which amendments should be accepted based on the number and substance of the amendments, the number of key influential members of the House supporting the amendments and the number of well organized outside advocates who support the amendments. Staff will be then be directed to begin to draft the so-called consolidated amendments for each department, agency and line item in the budget.

When the debate begins (scheduled for April 24) the Chair of Ways and Means will move the bill into third reading, and make a defense of his budget and the Republicans will no doubt go on some about the lack of a tax cut. They may even bring up an individual amendment on revenues, or rules for the debate just to let the Republicans make their points before being voted down.

At some point --- and nobody now knows when – i.e. Monday evening, Tuesday evening, the Speaker or whoever is in the chair will begin a series of announcements “Members interested in the consolidated amendment for the (Department of Mental Health) (Department of Public Health) (Department for Environmental Affairs) (Department of Highways) etc etc will meet in the adjoining room to discuss a consolidated amendment. These “discussions” will NOT follow the order of the line items in the budget.

In the adjoining room “interested” members will be given a “draft” consolidated amendment and the Chair or Vice Chair, or a selected Committee Chair will facilitate a discussion and members will argue and negotiate forcefully if their amendment is not included, or is poorly worded. Some times they run out to the advocates standing in the lobby to get suggestions for language changes, sometimes they run into the Speakers office to complain and ask him to intercede.

While there is not an official vote inside the caucus there is always a decision announced by the presiding chair of the caucus about how the “draft” consolidated amendment has been changed, and every one in the caucus gets a printed copy. The presiding chair of the caucus goes into the House Chamber to describe the consolidated amendment and ask for a vote of the body. Members who got their amendment will stand up and say it’s a great compromise. Members who did not get their amendment will express their disappointment. (Under the rules any member can pull their amendment and offer it independently, in the full knowledge that the amendment will be rejected on a voice vote.)

Everything is strategy and timing here for the House Leadership – because they do want to finish in a timely manner, and cobble together a general consensus at the same time. The goal is to give key opinion leaders in the House something to brag about, feel good about and something that will satisfy key outside advocates.

So-- at last-- the answer to your question is --- start organizing inside and outside key opinion makers in the House to do personal notes to the Speaker and Chair of Ways and Means so that your individual amendment can be included in the draft consolidated amendment.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Keeping the List and Checking it Twice............


The Legislature has been "conferencing" a very complex and complicated health "reform" legislation for almost three months now. While my organization has been focused on how we can get fairly reimbursed for our services, we have been working in coalition for almost two years with a number of other providers serving other kinds of clients, consumer advocacy groups who advocate for some of our clients, other advocacy groups who advocate for a particular health financing plan, faith based groups who are advocating for universal care on high moral grounds. I have been told that when the conference committee report comes out, we will "meet, talk and vote" before the coalition publicly announces any decision to support or not support the final package. What do we do if our reimbursement piece is left out and the rest of the coalition is happy and votes to support the bill?

Hecate says:

Go to the meeting, go through the bill with a fine toothed comb and be prepared to Speak up!! You won't be alone in not being satisfied. Your Coalition will be making a plan to push for some "technical" corrections and improvements in the months that lie ahead. Staying together to monitor the "implementation phase" is the next task for the entire Coalition and your job is to make sure that they don't forget you!!!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

It ain't over till it's over. Lots of work to do still.


I'm part of a group that's been pushing hard for significant reform in health care. Looks like we won't get it this year. I am so tired of being satisfield about winning incremental change. I am so tired of being told to take a half a loaf and being told I ought to satisfied. I am so tired of watching elected officials I voted for, even worked for, who tried to champion our cause telling me that we were lucky to get what we got. I'm just feeling its a hopeless job being an advocate.

Ready to give up in Peabody Mass

Hecate says....

Ever heard of Dorothy Day? She said "No one has a right to sit down and feel hopeless. There's too much work to do."

Besides what makes you think it's hopeless? It ain't over till it's over. And it ain't over yet. Lots of work for you to do still.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Jack Abramoff in Massachusetts??

Dear Hecate,

Check this out from the State House News Service......FINNERAN'S COMING-OUT PARTY AT PARKER HOUSE: State lobbying rules restricted former House Speaker Thomas Finneran's lobbying of his former colleagues for one year after his departure from the Legislature. In his now year-old role as president of the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, Finneran has served as a spokesman for the industry, but hasn't been able to wield the skills and legacy he developed during a 26-year State House career in a full-fledged effort to influence state officials. That changes Wednesday, when Finneran throws his coming-out bash at the Omni Parker House, an event entitled "A Prescription for Growth and Maintaining Our Edge," with big names from the industry lining the marquee. Scheduled speakers include Cavan M. Redmond, executive vice president of BioPharma Business Unit at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals; Jack Wilson, president of the University of Massachusetts; Merrill Matthews Jr., Ph.D., director of the Council for Affordable Health Insurance; Frank Douglas, Ph.D. M.D., executive director of the MIT Center for Biomedical Innovation; Kollol Pal, principal at PureTech Ventures LLC; Abi Barrow, head of tech transfer at UMass; and Michael Astrue, interim president and CEO of EPIX Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge. Finneran, whose trial for federal perjury charges is in a holding pattern, will host the event and emcee. The former Democratic leader from Mattapan is expected to address biotech interests in the economic stimulus package under consideration in a legislative conference committee. (Wednesday, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm, Omni Parker House Hotel, 60 School Street, Boston)

Is Tom Finneran our Jack Abramoff?

Hecate says

No. There is no equivilant to Jack in Massachusetts, in part because of your strict campaign reform laws, in part because you don't have any big profit centers stupid enough to think they need to pay huge amount of money to crush potential competition. (That's what the casino operators thought they were paying Abramoff to do.)

Being a very smart man, Tom Finneran is going to be very careful to carry out any lobbying activities on behalf of his association/client legally. By holding a briefing session at the Parker House, no doubt to be followed by perfectly legal un- bundled contributions to attending elected officials, he is only following the recent 10 year trend that he started himself in the middle 90s.

It used to be that every elected official in Massachusetts held a couple of fundraisers a year at at Anthoney's Pier 4 or Jimmy's Harborside and every lobbyists was expected to bring clients (and their checks) to key elected officals fundraiser to stand in long lines for a 30 second handshake and chance to nibble on pretty dreadful finger food. This meant lobbyists had to get over to the waterfront a couple of times a week and one lobbyist was famous for carving his initals into the base of the standard giant cheese ball at Anthony's to see how many days and weeks it stayed. Smart lobbyists counseled their clients to stick to the fresh vegtables and shrimp, hoping they could not be so readily recycled.

Tom Finneran preferred his contributors -- lobbying firms, trade associations and individual lobbyists -- to organize and host small fundraisers -- usually breakfasts-- at private offices. This allowed for longer and more specific discussions of pending issues of interest to a smaller group of clients all interested in the same issues. Again all perfectly legal.

That's the trend today. Individual lobbyists, corportations, business groups, trade associations, law firms, non-profit institutions and special interest groups routinely organize small fundraisers for individual elected officals in private venues where their clients are able to have longer conversations about their issue and much better food. For the same amount of money.

The Massachusetts Money and Politics Project documented the changing trends in fundraising and spending through 2002 and some of those reports are available by emailing George Pillsbury at mailto:gpillsbury@nonprofitvote.org